In March 2021, a group of concerned Toyota employees organized together and won the right to decline mandatory weekly PCR testing at their plants in Woodstock and Cambridge. To provide a glimpse of how these Toyota plants have been handling covid protocols over the last couple months, as well as explore some of their potential motivations, we are highlighting a story that has recently made the news: In late March 2021 a third-party contractor performing rapid testing at Toyota plants in Cambridge and Woodstock tested positive for COVID-19. It is unclear from news coverage of this story the extent to which the contractor had symptoms, however most articles document that they could have exposed more than 150 Toyota plant workers to the virus. Employees at these plants received letters from Southwestern Public Health stating that they may have been exposed and requested that they self-isolate for two weeks. However, by self-isolating it appears that they were only required to self-isolate from all activities, except work. Is this realistic? An excerpt from the letter they received reads:

“[D]uring your self-isolation you may continue to go to work but you must go directly to work and home again. While you are at work it is important you maintain your isolation meaning you avoid any close contact (within 6 feet) of any co-workers until your isolation period is over.”

Ironically, maintaining a 6-foot distance from others is a recommendation for all Canadians in general amidst the pandemic. According to The London Free Press, their “work self-isolation” even permitted them to use public transit to go to and from work during this two-week period.

An example of health and safety directives given to Toyota employees (April 14, 2021)

Much of the news coverage of this story raised questions about the legitimacy of work self-isolation in this context. The Region of Waterloo Public Health stated “work self-isolation is uncommon at job sites. The policy would typically be used in health-care settings where patients’ care would be affected if staff were sent home.” This situation may highlight an interesting dichotomy between larger corporations’ abilities to bypass covid protocols to prevent business and profit disruptions, meanwhile smaller businesses are not able to wield the financial or political power in order to be granted these exceptions. This again begs the recurring question of, who’s definition of ‘essential’ are we following?

All of this information tries to contextualize some of the seemingly corporate-focused motivations of Toyota in their response to the pandemic. The larger news story that we are covering today is regarding Toyota’s decision to enforce weekly antigen testing for all staff at both of these plants starting in April. After being notified of this push for mandatory testing, a group of employees came together to challenge the medical procedure due to various concerns around its implementation and potential detrimental effects. Below we have included all of the steps that they took in order to challenge weekly mandatory testing*. In the end their efforts were a success! Toyota decided to drop their plans to enforce weekly testing, at least for the time being. A trusted source confirmed that Toyota capitulated because the legal fees to fight any unforeseen injuries due to testing, would not have been cost-beneficial.

Concerned employees took the following measures in order to combat enforcement of unnecessary medical treatment:

*This list of steps was provided by Stand Up Canada. See their original news update on it here.

What’s happening now?

Although Toyota employees won the right to decline mandatory weekly testing for now, the situation is far from over. In a letter sent out to employees, Toyota stated that they will continue piloting covid testing measures and re-evaluate them at a later date.

Letter provided to Toyota employees on March 30, 2021.

As this story continues to unfold, we plan to write a follow-up piece regarding the Toyota situation in the near future. The employees who came together to win the right to decline mandatory weekly testing demonstrate a huge success in the movement towards informed medical consent and medical choice in the workplace. The success of this group of Toyota employees serves as inspiration for others on how to engage in collective-action, regardless of what industry or sector one is in.


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